Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Web color palette

Keywords: Internet standards, Web development, Quick reference, Web reference, Web color palette, Color code
Web development has been evolving on a daily basis. One of the primary requirements of a web developer is to use colors that render uniformly across browsers and operating platforms. Netscape designed its web safe color palette of 216 colors very wisely. They set to display each color in six possible intensities of the three primary colors, 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. It may be hard to understand this way but its a really clever way of understanding the selection of colors. For your ease of use, today I bring the links of color palette resources for Netscape browser.

Netscape Color map
Netscape Color Palette Map
Victor Engel's No Dither Netscape Color Palette Image Explanation
RGB color values (with color names)

Hope you enjoy the tools!


Today I was going through what I had posted earlier, and at places it felt like, I started blogging without providing a background. More so because this blog is on general software development issues. To make the content more context-friendly and to help search engines index these pages wisely, now onwards I will be adding categories to my posts. Hopefully, that will add some more value to the content for future visitors.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Teamstudio Script Browser

Its a Monday morning and I have just received a good news. There couldn't have been a better thing to do than share it with you.

Last week I received an email from a colleague of mine who wanted help with a script that will give him a dump of all the fields in a form and related information such as its data type, default value and associated code etc. Last couple of days I had been busy trying to achieve the same. This morning has brought a relief when my boss forwarded me an email that he received from Stephanie Heit, Sales Manager, Teamstudio Europe.

The email was about a product they call Teamstudio Script Browser that TeamStudio calls a LotusScript Code Navigator. From the product page at - "Teamstudio Script Browser is a tool to help you use and navigate the LotusScript code stored within an IBM Lotus Notes database in a way that has never before been possible."

Its a promising product. I still have to review it. I will give the report of the product later. For the time being check it out for yourself from this page.